A book is a book is a book. Not only do I read books, but I prefer to. Each book is unique and different from another. I have many books. They are all my friends. A good book holds the potential of hundreds of hours of mulling over ideas and perfecting a thought. It is served to the reader who, by digesting it, makes it his own book and, so, takes what was started by the author further into life.
Reading books is my way of studying and of developing not only my own body of knowledge, but also that of others.
I could never lead a company or a group of people without the support of reading. It is ultimately a confrontation with myself: what do I believe in, what do I stand for? To be aware of this is essential for my professional dignity.
When I am asked to comment on the works of others or to review a book, I take my time to digest the material and to make it fully mine. Only then can I add value and insight and thereby bring the book into the world, with sound reflection.
My intense reading over the past decades has familiarised my with most of the contemporary authors in the fields of management and leadership. However, it is my foundation in history and philosophy that I draw on to create the perspective needed for the current era. Cross-disciplinary reading brings new life to old ideas!